Hitler Responds to Parker Passing Reins

I wasn’t surprised that hot on the heels of this Hitler parody video, one would come out that featured Hitler as a cult winery owner responding to the news that Robert Parker would no longer be reviewing California wines in the Wine Advocate (Parker announced this in February 2011; the new reviewer is Antonio Galloni according to this article by Alder Yarrow.)

According to Yarrow’s experience,

Galloni’s palate seems to favor less intense ripeness than Parker’s, and seems to be more favorably (than Parker) disposed to wines that lean more towards the idiosyncratic. The question arises, then, whether or not we will see a shift in the scoring of California wines now that they are Under New Management at the Wine Advocate. In the most extreme case, we could be looking at a shakeup of the longstanding hierarchy of California cult bottlings.

Like all of these Hitler parody videos, insiders will get more of the jokes. But they’re still funny even if you know only some of the references.

And what have I been up to since Burning Man other than watching Hitler parody videos?

Sampling wines with oysters! In late August, The Jolly Oyster opened shop at the Ventura State Beach to sell oysters and clams from the farm in Baja and since I love oysters,  I’ve tried at least a dozen wines and I’ve probably eaten an average of a half dozen oysters a day this month.

Tonight I meet up again with local food writer Lisa McKinnon to try more wines with oysters at the Jolly Oyster at the Ventura State Beach. I’m bringing an Ojai Vineyard chardonnay and she’s got “Smitten” from Four Brix which just opened their facility in Ventura last weekend. I’ll report back soon!

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